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Writer's pictureRaphael Torti

The Brain-Heart-Body Relationship

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

Brain: Everything that happens in the realm of thoughts. The rational.

Heart: Everything that happens in the realm of feeling. The sensations.

Body: Anything that happens in the realm of behavior. Attitudes.

Self-fulfilling prophecy: « is the sociopsychological phenomenon of someone "predicting" or expecting something, and this "prediction" or expectation coming true simply because the person believes it will and the person's resulting behaviors align to fulfill the belief », Wikipédia

Each of the parts is connected to the other. From the moment one of the parties defaults, it irremediably involves the other two parties with it. This is when we can speak of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

We will take an example following the three prisms (Heart / Brain / Body):

If the information is taken incorrectly (Brain), then I will feel my action badly (Heart) and I will try to compensate with my behavior (Body) in order to obtain a good result.

If I feel that I am going to fail in my action (Heart), the information will be misunderstood through lack of concentration (Brain), and I will try to compensate with my behavior (Body).

If I am badly positioned and uncomfortable (Body), then I will be focused on my position and not on my action (Brain), suddenly I will feel my action badly (Heart).

Each situation can be turned around, if one of its three elements is turned negatively, the result will mostly be a failure.

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